Ms. Nakada's Virtual Classroom: Day 41

Q - Q - Song
Letters this week...

HW: Write a letter to yourself that I will mail to you in four years. 

This is it! Our last Tuesday class. 😩 Crazy. 
Best Day Ever GIFs | Tenor
What kind of support do you need as you head off to high school? 

Quote: "It takes courage to grow up and become who you are." E.E. Cummings.

Question: How have you changed/grown in the past three years? 

Song: "Best Day of my Life" American Authors

During this last week of school, you are going to write letters. To start, you are going to write a letter to yourself that I will mail your senior year. This is kind of a time capsule, preserving this moment so write what you hope in this moment and where you hope to be in four years. 

OK, short day today! See you tomorrow for our last Wednesday of class! 


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