Ms. Nakada's NaPoWriMo Post: Day 25

Our poem today is by Lucille Clifton. You might want to take note of her use of capitalization. Read through the poem 3-4 times (preferably out loud). What feeling/tone do you get from the poem? What is it about? What poetic elements do you notice happening in this poem? Annotate and make sense of this poem. For today's prompts: write a poem imagining seeing someone you know now but haven't seen in many years. From Winter Tangerine : " Write a myth in a landscape you know very well." From Writer's Digest: " For today’s prompt, write a remix poem. That is, take one (or more) of your poems from earlier this month and remix it. Make a free verse poem into a villanelle. Or condense a sestina into a haiku or senryu. Or forget form. Just completely jumble up the words…or respond to the original poem(s). As always, have fun with it. Remember: These prompts are just springboards; you have the free...