Ms. Nakada's Post for Day 2: Virtual Classroom

Agenda check-in Essay Body Paragraph #1 HW: RJ 10.2 Read 20-30 minutes Hey everyone. Well, we made it through day 1. Way to go. So good to see so many of you checking in here in the comments, or on Zoom or Remind or through Schoology. There are a few of you (or your classmates) who haven't checked in yet. If any of your friends are missing, please try to contact them and make sure they're ok. So, for today, we're just working on the first body paragraphs of our essays. Make sure you introduce your reason, and then provide evidence and explanations that support your reason. Make sure you refer to the check list and: ü use transitions to introduce reasoning and clarify relationships between ideas ü provide the strongest, most relevant, specific evidence through quotes and paraphrases (including page #s) ü elaborate on evidence to support reasoning, addresses/acknowledges opposing arguments ü conn...