
Showing posts from May 4, 2020

Ms. Nakada's Virtual Classroom: Day 29

Agenda: Check-in Q - Q - Song Revision  Strategies for NaPoWriMo HW: RJ 16.1 read for 20-30 minutes and record.  Happy Monday,  y'all  and May the Fourth be with you. Our Zoom classes today are at 9:00 and 10:15. See you there.  Check-In: How has time been passing for you? Quickly, slowly, both? Something else?  Our quote this week: "Do. Or do not. There is no try." Yoda  What does this Jedi master mean?  Our question: How do you create balance in your life" Song: "Optimistic" by Radiohead What is this song about? Favorite Lyric?  Ok, so this week you are getting your collections together.  Try to revise your poems. Read through each draft and think about:  1) Titles? Dedications? Line breaks? Stanzas? 2) Take out all unnecessary words. 3) Read it aloud and listen for sounds (rhyme, alliteration, assonance, rhythm, word choice). 4) Notice what your poem is about. Does it make sense? What poetic elements