Ms. Nakada's Virtual Classroom: Day 12
Agenda: Check-in "Because You Asked..." by Howard Nemorov NaPoWriMo HW: RJ 12.2 Read for 20-30 minutes. Hey, all. That class yesterday with 100 students was crazy! Thanks for making it, and if that many of you keep coming to the Zoom classes, I will start doing two sessions so we can have more discussion. Our class/office hours are at 1:00 today. Today, we are looking at the poem, "Because You Asked About the Line Between Prose and Poetry by Howard Nemorov. I suggest you copy the poem down or print a copy if you have access to a printer so you can annotate. Read through the poem 2-3 times (preferably out loud). What feeling do you get from the poem? What is it about? What makes this a poem? Here are my annotations: Now take out your NaPoWriMo Notes: Q: How do you know if what you write is actually a poem? A: Look for elements of poetry: lines, stanzas, line breaks, rhyme, rhyme scheme, ...