Ms. Nakada's Virtual Classroom: Day 11

Boundaries/Learning Spaces
Q. Q. & Song
Intro to Poetry

HW: RJ 12.1 Read for 20-30 minutes.

Hey all. Hope you're doing as well as you can during this crazy time. Please know this: whatever you can do right now, it is enough. Be kind to yourself when there is so much change and uncertainty. 

Our Zoom call is today at 9:00. Hope to see you there. If you plan to go to the Zoom, we will work through and discuss everything in the blog. If you don't participate in the Zoom, make sure you do everything in the rest of the blog.

How are you feeling today? Take a few breaths and really think about how you are right now. Feel free to answer this and other questions in the comments below!

Think about your learning space. Make sure you have your English materials out and create a space where you will do schoolwork. Maybe it's the corner of a table like I'm using, or the foot of your bed. This is called creating boundaries: a space where you do school work so you come here to do work. Then, you leave or pack up this space when you're done with school. Here's more about the importance of these kinds of boundaries. 

Millie Bobby Brown Mind Blown GIF by Converse - Find & Share on GIPHYSo, hopefully you're sitting in your English space and have written down the agenda. 

Here's our quote of the week: "If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry." Emily Dickinson 

Emily Dickinson was an American poet who lived in Massachusetts during the 1800s. Click on the link if you want to learn more about her. 

Make sure you write what you think she means by this. Do you think it is literal or figurative? 

Question of the week: How do you feel about poetry? 

Answer honestly and explain why. 

Song of the week: "Times They Are a Changin'" by Bob Dylan. Make sure you write what you think the song is about and your favorite lyric. Are there elements of poetry here? 

In your English Notebook, start a new page in your Table of Contents and title it "Intro to NaPoWriMo."

These are the notes you should have on this page:  

That's it for today! If you haven't turned in any work on Schoology, make sure you turn in RJs 9, 10, and 11, your Literature Circle Essays and Final Book Projects. 

Have a good day and I'll see you tomorrow. Zoom class/office hours are tomorrow at 1:00. 


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