Ms. Nakada's Virtual Classroom: Day 23
Agenda: Check-in "Playground Elegy" by Clint Smith Prompts for NaPoWriMo Day #23 HW: RJ 14.4 on a poem. Read a poem and write a poem. Get these signed and turn them in tomorrow. Zoom is art 1:00 today. See you there if it's something you need or find helpful right now. Check-in Question for today: What are you grieving for from life before? Our poem today is by Clint Smith. Read through the poem 3-4 times (preferably out loud). What feeling/tone do you get from the poem? What is it about? What poetic elements do you notice happening in this poem? Annotate and make sense of this poem. Prompt: Write a poem about an early childhood memory. From Winter Tangerine: "Where do your joys live?" And from Writer's Digest : " For today’s prompt, write a quirk poem. The quirk could be a personal or human quality. Or it could be a quirk of fate. Remember: These prompts ...