Ms. Nakada's NaPoWriMo Post: Day 7

Our poem for Day 7 is by Carl Sandburg. Read through the poem 2-3 times (preferably out loud). What feeling/tone do you get from the poem? What is it about? What poetic elements do you notice happening in this poem? Annotate and make sense of this poem. Prompts for today: Inspired by Sandburg, write a poem about your favorite kind of weather and try to use a metaphor. What is that weather like? From Winter Tangerine : "Write a poem using three different ways to measure distance." Some examples might be: miles, kilometers, or light years. Or days of driving, or hours in flight, or minutes walking? You could even think about breaths or heartbeats or blinks of the eye. From Writer's Digest : "When we finish today’s poem, we’ll be officially 20% of the way through this challenge. Poem by poem, we’re building up some great first drafts. So let’s keep it going! For today’s prompt, write a trap po...