Ms. Nakada's NaPoWriMo Blog: Day 12

Our poem for Day 12 is Read through the poem 3-4 times (preferably out loud). What feeling/tone do you get from the poem? What is it about? What poetic elements do you notice happening in this poem? Annotate and make sense of this poem. Prompts: Write a poem about what matters in life. What gives life meaning? From Winter Tangerine : "Write a letter to your childhood best friend." And finally, from Writer's Digest : "For today’s prompt, write a control poem. That is, write about having control, losing control, or sharing control with others. Of course, I expect at least one person to mention the control key on keyboards. And well, y’all always surprise me, because I can’t control which direction everyone is going to go with this prompt. Remember: These prompts are just springboards; you have the freedom to jump in any direction you want. In other words, it’s more important to write a new poem than ...