Ms. Nakada's Virtual Classroom: Day 12

"Because You Asked..." by Howard Nemorov 

HW: RJ 12.2 Read for 20-30 minutes.

Bird in Snow Fine Art Print, Animal Photography Print, Bird ...
Hey, all. That class yesterday with 100 students was crazy! Thanks for making it, and if that many of you keep coming to the Zoom classes, I will start doing two sessions so we can have more discussion. Our class/office hours are at 1:00 today.

Today, we are looking at the poem, "Because You Asked About the Line Between Prose and Poetry by Howard Nemorov. 

I suggest you copy the poem down or print a copy if you have access to a printer so you can annotate. 

Read through the poem 2-3 times (preferably out loud). What feeling do you get from the poem? What is it about? What makes this a poem? 

Here are my annotations:  

Now take out your NaPoWriMo Notes:

Q: How do you know if what you write is actually a poem?

A: Look for elements of poetry:  lines, stanzas, line breaks, rhyme, rhyme scheme, slant rhyme, rhythm, repetition, imagery, alliteration, metaphor, simile, feeling/tone, onomatopoeia, form/structure.

Be ready to write a poem tomorrow! 


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