Ms. Nakada's Virtual Classroom: Day 35

2020 Graduation Speech
Poetry Slam Sign-Up

HW: RJ 17.3 read for 20-30 minutes and record. 

Hey all. Can you feel it? I'm starting to. It's starting to feel like the end of the year. 

Zoom classes today are at 9:00 and 10:15. See you there!

Check-in for today: What is your favorite quote? 

Ok, so here is my culmination speech (at least the draft I have so far). *Ms. Nakada reads her speech to the class. 

Clapping GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY* insert wild applause. 

OK, so now, I need to set the stage for our Poetry Slam! 

I have gotten some amazing pieces. You can either give me permission to enter your video as submitted, or you could perform it live here on Zoom, but I'll be giving 20 points extra credit to all participants so go for it!!!

It is a great event and tradition and I don't want it to die... 😟😢☹️

That is all! Have a good rest of your week.


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