Ms. Nakada's NaPoWriMo Post: Day 10

Our poem for Day 10 is "We Real Cool" by Gwendolyn Brooks. Here is a cool video of the author reading the poem.

  • Read through the poem 3-4 times (preferably out loud). 
  • What feeling/tone do you get from the poem? 
  • What is it about? 
  • What poetic elements do you notice happening in this poem? 
  • Annotate and make sense of this poem.

Write about who the cool kids are, what the cool kids do, what will happen to the cool kids. 

From Winter Tangerine: "You wake up and there is another you in your room. What to they want?"


And from Writer's Digest: "For today’s prompt, write an ekphrastic poem. An ekphrastic poem is one that’s inspired by a work of art, whether that’s a painting, photograph, sculpture, or some other creation. Choose one (or more) to prompt your poem today." 

This is one of my favorite Frida Kahlo paintings called "Girl with Death Mask (She Plays Alone)". Use this or the link in Writer's Digest has a bunch of images. 

Girl with Death Mask, 1938 - by Frida Kahlo

Or this Martin Puryear's art installation: Ladder for Booker T. Washington".

7 Inspiring Success Lessons

Remember: These prompts are just springboards; you have the freedom to jump in any direction you want. In other words, it’s more important to write a new poem than to stick to the prompt."


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