kaitlyn's third blog


Blog corrections
Taming of the Shrew
Essay Introductions

RJ 8.4 read for 20-30 minutes
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Book project due March 27th

So, I got picked for the blog today. I really wanted to go last, but oh well. Anyways, right now Ms. Nakada is talking about plays that Shakespeare wrote and how the plots are in many movies that we see today. I can see Peppa Pig's brother George on the desktop and he looks really cute so that's cool. Now, Ms. Nakada is talking the generation names. Apparently, we're Gen Z and it's kind of cool too. We're watching a video about how a guy named Baptista has two daughters named Katherina and Bianca. Every guy likes Bianca for some reason, but she can't get married until Katherina gets married. Oh no, I can see a lot of the red lines. Ms. Nakada is talking about gender sterotypes. We started talking about our essay prompt and we went over examples. I colored on my nails today with maker and now the marker won't come off so that's nice. Anyways, we're talking about lead, thesis, and reasons. Okay we finshed early and Ms. Nakada let us rest for the rest of the class. It's time for linch and the bell just rang so bye.

Also, thanks for not asking to be in the blog because I can't spell anyone's names. Except Jade, Sabrina, and Angel. Another thing, Mayra said that she doesn't like Olaf. OKAY, I'M REALLY LEAVING. BYE.


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