Terrion's Third Blog
Agenda: Blog* corrections
Lit. circle summaries
Hw Rj 3.1 Read For 20-30 mins
Look, so lowkey I do not feel like doing this. Kobe just died ❤ The class is talking about it. I'm not showing no fake love because I did not mess with Kobe when he was playing because he was a ball hog but I wanted to pay respect. So... #RIPKOBETHEGOAT #RIPGIGI AKA MAMBACITA.
Now, Let's get back on topic Gino wants to be in the blog, so there you go. Others did too but too much typing don't feel like it. We are doing QQS right now. The poem of the week is: "YOU NEVER REALLY UNDERSTAND A PERSON UNTIL YOU CONSIDER THINGS FROM HIS POINT OF VIEW." -Atticus from TKAM by Harper Lee. Question of the week is: HOW DO YOU/WE HANDLE LOSS/ GRIEF. My answer is I just usually play sports and listen to sad music, then I bully my brother until we fight and then both laugh about it then I'm ok. I know we already have a question but I want to ask Ms. Nakada something, WHY DOES EVERYBODY DIE ON SUNDAY ? ALSO, CAN WE TAKE A FIELD TRIP TO THE STAPLES CENTER TO HONOR KOBE.
Man, when is linch? I got some business to handle. Now we are talking about the water cycle. I'm not drinking water for a while Ms. Nakada. Now, people are saying we drink dead people. I'm done. Never again am I going to drink water or go to the beach. Nehiamiah, bro, stop saying that beach water is salty because it's dead people. Song: "La Bamba" Omg, we cant even hear the song b y itself these ladies are talking over it. Let me go listen. I'm getting a headache. We are about to do literature circles and I'm not missing this, so bye.
Alr bye guys I'm going to linch. RIP KOBE *RIP GIGI *RIP NIPSEY
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