Alina's Second Blog


1) Blog corrections
2) A.C.E.
3) Final Review
4) Reader's Workshop & RJ check


Read a good book - AR
100%/500,000 words

Today, we started the day like any other. We corrected the blog. Marisol's blog had so many mistakes. Sorry, I called you out, but you chose me and I'm mad about that, but whatever. We continued on by taking out our English notebooks to write down A.C.E.

A= Answer

C= Cite Evidence (with a source)

E= Explain

Okay, I was focusing on the blog, but I had to ignore it for a bit because for some reason they started talking about Math. It was weird, but what's new. Sorry, I got side tracked, but I'm back. Currently, everyone is writing their own A.C.E. about how they have grown as a writer. Now, we are reviewing everything that is going to be in the Final Exam. We are either doing reader's workshop or studying for the final. I wish you guys luck today because I would be reading this on the same day. I guess I didn't have to say that because it was kind of implied. Loren and Angel wanted to be in the blog, so here you go. Why are you guys always trying to be in the blog? I have nothing else to say, so bye. Okay, Anthony wanted to be in the blog, so here you go. Okay, bye.


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