Nadia's second blog:))))

Q.Q. Song
Complete I.A.B.
Writer's workshop

Okay, uhm hi. I really don't know what to write, and I know I'm going to have a lot of mistakes but anyways... Ms. Nakada is talking right now about writing stories something like that. Emily wanted to be in my blog, so like let's all look at her like she has a booger on her face. The quote of the week: "To achieve great things, two things are needed: a plan and not quite enough time." Leonard Bernstein. So like I'm kinda mad I got picked, but I don't think I'm going to be here when I have to read this :)

The questions of the week are: Who writes the stories, who benefits from the stories, who in missing from the stories? Okay so the song of the week is: "We Didn't Start The Fire" by Billy Joel. It's low key kinda good. Everyone, well not everyone, is clapping like weirdos. JK don't bully me. We're talking about what the songs means... I have to do my I.A.B. Sis is nowhere near done. I don't when the bell is going to ring, but it better ring soon I'm tryna be with my boo JKJKJK. So, my bandaid won't come off and I'm kinda freaking out. Like my finger is PURPLE. Anywho, I'm done writing. Have a good linch:).


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