Andrew's Second Blog


Blog corrections 

I.B.A Screen #1

Writers workshop 

HW: NaNoWriMo 47% by tomorrow.

So, the day started off normal in the classroom. Taking out our binder reminder and writing down the agenda. Then, after everyone was doing that, Angel started to read his blog to the class. But before class, Angel ended up tricking me saying, "iM goiNg tO pick sOmeone elSE,to do tHe blOg,but nOt yOu" but he lied to me. So, I thinking in my head, I'm not going to get picked for the blog, and he was going to pick a different person. But he didn't :). So, I was kinda like whoa, okay he picked me and lied to me. But that's good 'cause I'd rather just get it over with instead of worrying everyday. So yeah,after that, Ms. Nakada was talking about some reading test? I don't really know what she was saying, 'cause I was too worried about doing my blog in front of everyone. So, right now everyone just doing there test, and it's quiet, really quiet. Now, we are switching to our stories that everyone is writing right now. Time for linch bye bye.


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