V A N E S S A' S first blog

blog corrections
Inktober : Bait
T.O. Essays

HW RJ 7.3 Read for 20-30 min and record.
Get RJs signed!

Uh, I'm kinda confused, not gonna lie. I legit don't know what to write. I guess I'll start by saying hi? Right now, everyone's drawing for Inktober, while Ms. Nakada is checking reading journals, and I'm kinda sad I didn't get to draw, but I mean I'll survive. Now, everyone is getting their iPads and Alpha Smarts while I'm over here doing this blog which isn't even good, pero like okay. And sorry if our class doesn't get a point since I don't know how to type so don't hate me. I really want to be working on my essay right now because I didn't finish it and i'm scared of failing this class. I'm scared of failing any class really. Oh what am I saying I'm scared of almost everything. No one is really doing anything right now, so let me just rant to you guys.

You ever just hate doing something oh wait Ms. Nakada is talking. Okay, I'm back. She was talking about the essay and body paragraghs. So, where was I... oh yeah, you ever just hate doing something and then like a week later or possibly three years later just think about it and just cringe? I was thinking about stuff in third period and I swear I almost started getting mad at myself for being so akward. Well, I still am, but that's besides the point. There's five more minutes untill we go to "linch" so I'll talk to you guys next time (possibly). Bye, bye my, dudes. Oh wait one more thing. Do you guys say caramel or caramel? Okay, that's it, thank you for your time. Have a nice day and remember... always wear your seatbelt.


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