Fayemarie's First Blog

Blog corrections
Q. Q. & Song
Inktober: Overgrown
T.O. book v Movie

HW: RJ 9.1 Read 20-30 minutes
and record.

I'm not all that good at putting introductions, so I'll just go straight to the day. First things first, we start the day with blog corrections. After we do blog corrections, Ms. Nakada asks the students to take out our binder reminders, so we can correct them. There's a lot of commotion going on about a spider, and I can't keep track of what's going on now. Anyways, after we did binder corrections, we moved on to fall quotes of the week, which talks about with hard work you can go very far and that there is no easy way to get through life. Now, we moved on to fall questions of the week. We talked about Christopher Columbus and if we should celebrate Columbus Day. After a while we moved on to fall song of the week. This song is called "Redemption Song" by Bob Marley which talks about redemption and freedom.
Now we're moving on to Inktober which is overgrown, which we'll spend six minutes on. Now, we are moving on to watch The Outsiders for the rest of the period. Now, it's time for lunch.


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