Ricardo's First Blog



RJ Check
readers workshop
HW: RJ 4.2
T.O.  p. 150-166 (2 chapters: 10/11)

     The day began with just coming into class sitting down, taking out our journals and pencils. We discussed about chapter 7 and how in this chapter Ponyboy and his brothers are getting ready for the rumble which was at 7 pm. They as in Darry, Steve, Sodapop, and Two-bit started to jump around and start shouting out in the street mocking the Socs. We also talk about the rumble, and we all get sad because Johnny sadly passes away :(. After that, we started to annotate the important details like irony and how the exact opposite happens, for ex. Dally having a bad reputation with the cops and later he gets escorted to the hospital by the cop. Ms. Nakada started a conversation about college and how we need to keep our grades up and how it will help us get into other colleges. Once we finished annotating, Ms. Nakada let us read The Outsiders while she checked reading journal. That's pretty much all we did today.


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