Marisol's First Blog


Blog corrections
RJ check
Elements of Plot
Reader's workshop

9/5/19 T.O. Pages 100-118

Ponyboy, Soda, and Darry were at the hospital, waiting to hear about Johnny and Dally. Dally will be alright and will get out of the hospital soon. Johnny on the other hand was hurt badly on his back with severe burns. He might not make it. Pony, Soda and Darry went home and slept. The next day, Pony woke up early and was going to make breakfest when Two-Bit and Steve arrived. It was then revealed that Sandy left to Florida and couldn't marry Soda because of her parents. Their reason didn't make sense at all. Soda is pretty much 17 but no that's too young. Anyway, turns out Johnny was charged with manslaughter, Sandy was pregnant with Soda's kid, and Pony along with his brothers might go in a boy's home. A lot of drama I know. Two-Bit and Ponyboy went to a convinence store. Ponyboy bumped into Randy Anderson, Bob's friend. They started talking about the fight that will happen between the Socs and Greasers. Turns out he doesn't want to participate. Randy and Pony started getting along before going their seperate ways.

We did cornell notes on the Elements of Plot. We all went back and remembered "Hi its Jake from State Farm!" Ahh nostalgia. Well to me it is but I don't know about anyone else. We all chose a chapter to work on and explain what happened in the chapter we chose from The Outsiders.


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