Destiny's First Blog

Blog corrections
reader's workshop
"The Poverty Myth"

RJ 6.2 read for 20-30 min & record
Book projects due Friday!

The first thing we did was come into class and write the agenda down. Then, Nasir read his blog and out of everyone in the class, of course, he had to pick me. Lowkey kind of hurt, but it's okay. Now, Ms. Nakada is checking everyone's reading journal. If you couldn't already tell, I'm not good at this, but I'm learning. I honesty don't know what to write, so I'm just going to wait and, see what the class does next haha. Okay, so now everyone is taking out their English journals to write their lead and thesis about whether Ponyboy will stay gold or not. Now, it's time to go to linch. Haha. I'm sorry, Gino, but you already don't like me for some reason, even though I'm so nice to you, but lowkey Gino looking kind of cute. Just kidding. I don't want to give him more reasons to hate me.


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