Angel's First Blog

September 27,2019

Blog corrections
reader's workshop
RJ / Book Projects

HW: Enjoy the weekend
see you Tuesday
 See original imageInktober starts Tuesday

Today, we started by discussing what Inktober is, and what we are going to be doing. We saw some examples on Instagram of artists Inktober creations. Right now the class is silent because the class is reading their books. Meanwhile, Ms. Nakada is checking every body's homework, which was get parent signature on the reading journal. Ms. Nakada, is also checking book projects. Okay, there is nothing going on right now so I will wait until something happens. Meanwhile, I want to give a huge thanks the Stacy. Ms. Nakada started talking about if you don't do work outside this class it will be hard to get a D in the class. It's 5 more minutes until lunch, and the class is reading. Also, Ms. Nakada said to pack up three minutes until linch.(correct spelling lunch).


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