Rachel's Blog

Blog Corrections
Taking A Stand
Lit. Circles
HW: Have a safe weekend.

 Kinda mad at Nadia for picking me, but it's whatever. We did blog corrections, and now we're going through our notes from yesterday "Taking a Stand." Emily, Nadia, and Destiny told me to put in the blog, so there you go. Nadia just told Ms. Nakada that I flipped her off 🙄. Don't really know what to write. Ummm, Adenn told me to put him in the blog, so yea. We just moved our chairs and our time was nine, so I guess that's good. But, I'm gonna go do my work since there's nothing else to type. So, byeeee. Have a good day.

I was about to go, but Gino and Sean told me to put them. I don't even know why I'm putting them. They're mean too. Anyways, bye.


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