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I.O.&B.A. Plot lines 
Reader's workshop  

Hw❤ Rj 10.4

So, look my blog is about to be the best ... wait hold on Nadia's talking to me. Alright, so let's get back    to what I was saying my blog is going to be better than everyone's no cap ! Nasir won't stop talking like dang bro, let Ms. Nakada teach. Now Ms. Nakada is talking about the book. I don't feel like typing her name so I'm just going to put "MN" just know that stands for her name. I don't know what to type lol. Let's talk about my grade in this class i have a ... wait hold on MN is saying something important. They're talking about violence and natural disasters and how they cause people to flee. If Sean and Nasir don't stop talking I'm just going to go incredible hulk! Sean keeps saying, ''O YEAAA.'' Please stop man. I would tell him to focus, but I just ate a Subway sandwich with onions and my breathe right now could kill the whole class {not really}. Class is boring and Nasir won't stop talking ... im just gonna open my onion mouth maybe he will be quiet because thats some serious smelling breathe I cant even stand it and its MY BREATH ☺ I'M JUST GONNA TYPE IN ALL CAPS NOW IT'S COOOOL . I LOWKEY FEEL BAD FOR HÁ. WAIT, NO I DON'T THAT LITTLE GIRL IS BAD. MN JUST TALKED ABOUT HOW WE ALL SOMETIMES COPY HOMEWORK...I'M NOT GONE CAP I DO SKSKSK OK PEROOOO LETS GET BACK ON TOPIC. ALR Y'ALL IT'S LIKE 15 MINS TILL THE BELL RINGS FOR LINCH AND I HAVE NOT DONE ANY WORK SO IMMA PRETEND LIKE CLASS IS ENDING IN THE NEXT SENTENCE SO LETS PRETEND ... READY...SET..GOO! OMG!! CLASS IS ENDING TUME {THATS MY NEW WORD} TO GO TO LINCH ! IM SO SAD WISH I CAN STAY.... IGHT IMMA HEAD OUT SKSKSK 


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