
- Blog: Corrections
- RJ check
- English Scores
- Reader's Workshop


RJ 3.2 T.O.  (pg. 100-118)

Today, we reviewed Chapter 6 of T.O. Johnny decided to turn himself in to the police. As they were heading back to the church, they saw that it was on fire (the big plot twist). There was a picnic taking place at the Church. Inside the church, there was a group of kids, about eight year olds, stuck inside. Pony and Johnny went through the window to save them. They got all the kids out of the church before it collapsed. Johnny was helping Pony get out, but once Pony made it out safely the church fell on top of Johnny. They were all heading to the Hospital. When Pony got out of the Hospital, he saw Darry and Sodapop. Darry was crying. He hasn't cried in years, even during his parents' funeral. Pony finally noticed that Darry actually cared for him.

Later, we were doing the English scores. This also helps for "Back to School Night," tomorrow.
- Course Outline
- Letter to Ms. Nakada
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