Ms. Nakada's NaPoWriMo Post: Day 18

Our poem for Day 18 is "First Fig" by Edna St. Vincent Millay. 

  • Read through the poem 3-4 times (preferably out loud). 
  • What feeling/tone do you get from the poem? 
  • What is it about? 
  • What poetic elements do you notice happening in this poem? 
  • Annotate and make sense of this poem.
WTWrites2019_DAY-18.jpgPrompts today: Write a poem that follows this ABAB rhyme scheme. 

From Winter Tangerine: "Write three distinct childhood memories."

And from Writer's Digest:  "For today’s prompt, write an exotic poem. Set your poem in an exotic locale. Or maybe write about an exotic person, animal, or technology. And remember that your everyday things may be exotic to someone else. Honestly, I’ve found poets are a breed of exotic creature whenever I’m in a room full of “normal” adults.

Remember: These prompts are just springboards; you have the freedom to jump in any direction you want. In other words, it’s more important to write a new poem than to stick to the prompt."


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