a'DeNN sEcoNd BLoGGer


Blog corrections
Dia de los Muertos II
NaNoWriMo Check in
Writer's workshop

NaNoWriMo 20% tonight

                        So, I'm just going to be real, I wanted to do the blog. Thank you Emily for picking me...

                        A'denn: S'up Nas.
                        Nasir: [Laughing...]
                        A'denn: Imma pick you for the blog.
                        Nasir: I already did it.
                       A'denn: MANNNN.
                       Now, we're reading a article called Day of the Dead. It's lowkey cool (no cap).

                      Vanessa: [Mumbling.]
                       A'denn: [Looking.]

                     Ms. Nakada: BLAH BLAH BLAH NaNoWriMo BLAH BLAH BLAH good work habits BLAH BLAH BLAH learning.

[Students log on to NaNoWriMo and talk about how to get more words.]

                     Vanessa: [Putting earphones on...]
                      A'denn: [Looking]
                    Nasir: [Looking at me look at Vanessa.]

                    A'denn: [Trying to do NaNoWriMo while doing blog.]

                 Vanessa: How many words you got?
                  A'denn: 967.
                Angel: [Making fun of me:(]
                Nasir: [Bragging about having 1204 words.]

               Loren: [Looks at me.]
               A'denn: [Looks back.]

              Sabrina: [Looks at me.]
              A'denn: [Looks away.]

             Now, it's linch. BYE BLOG.



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